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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Why is Wheelock so crusty?

For those readers out there (“What readers?” one might ask. You could ask if you wanted to.) who do not know what a Wheelock is or why the should care about its crust factor I will explain. Wheelock College is my Ala Mata. I graduated on Dec 2005 from Wheelock with a degree in Theatre and a minor in early childhood education. So why is it so crusty? Well the main reason is because it is so small. It has around 700 undergrad students. Most people down the street from the school have no clue where or what it is. It is a school for people who want to help others so A. it doesn’t get many students and B. people in those fields don’t make much money. So the school doesn’t have alumni knocking on the door with checks for millions of dollars. Also up until two years ago the school president Marjorie Bakken was getting a little too old to be running the joint. Now there is fresh blood in the form of Jackie Jenkins-Scott, who might put Wheelock on the map decrustifing it once and for all.

How did this site come to be?

I (Zach Cone) bought this domain name back in 2000. I then basically went to and copied their source and changed it a little to make a joke. The joke was that I was not the brightest bulb in the box, so the results would not make much sense. It would send users to (very) random websites. I kind of never finished it and tried updating it a couple of times. I lost interest in the domain and planned on selling it. After a year or two I was informed that the domain name was now property of ZC Industries. They wanted to relaunch the site as one where someone would actually answer people’s questions. After searching for a while (using Google) they found me and hired me. Unfortunately, the company has no real assets so in exchange for answering all these questions I got 30% stake in ZC Industries. For more information on the history of this domain read the company history on the ‘About Us” page.

What is this site about?

All I had to do to find this answer was look at the 'About Us' page. This is what I found out:

Have you ever had a question about something, but were unsure who to ask? Well now you do just ask Zach. Not sure what came first the chicken or the egg? Not sure what to do now you found out your girlfriend is really a man and is dating your sister? Ask Zach! Zach will try and get back to you within 24-48 hours. He is willing to tackle any question big and small so feel free to ask. After all there are no stupid questions only stupid websites.

So feel fre to ask more qustions!

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