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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

. i like your sense of humor. i was just wondering if you look anything like the picture of you that's up on the website.. ?

Wow thanks for the compliment. It is people like you that make me forget how lousy this no paying job really is. I now realize I do have a purpose in my life. I do look like the picture on the site, as that is a picture of me on the site. For more picture of me, join me on the Facebook.

do you like wearing a suit all the time?lol

I am not sure what this suit is made out of, but it is amazing. It breaths very well and somehow keeps me warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It is a little strange to swim in it, but it works well enough. (It is not like I swim laps or anything)

Shout out to my homeboy Jeeves the first owner of my suit

is this fake ?

This is as real as chicken McNuggets, the Maytag Man, Santa, and the name brand watch I bought in NYC.

I KNOW WHO YOU ARE...and i know what you throw away! you waste ALOT!!!! i think people should know how much you throw away!

This is not really a question, but more of an accusation. You might be mistaking my neighbor’s trash for mine. Hint: I do not throw away dirty diapers. I actually compost my organic waste. Meaning I throw away a lot less than most.

PS. AskZach.Com fertilizer will be for sale soon. Containing actual Ask Zach food scraps!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Well it is very nice to have a fan out there. I do not think your weird. I think it is just a little stalkerish. Getting "HI IM YOUR HUGE 1# FAN!" a couple of times it felt nice knowing I touched someone. After getting over ten "HI IM YOUR HUGE 1# FAN!" I am stating to get the feeling someone is stalking me. I keep thinking that I am being followed by some one, and the other day someone or something went though my trash. This whole thing could be a ploy by Big Al's Body Guard service, they called me the other day wondering if I wanted a body guard. Whoever this is, there are better ways to tell me how big a fan you are:

1. Download and use the Ask Zach toolbar (I get a few cents for it)
2. Sign up for Ask Zach in your E-mail
3. paypal me some money
4. Donate some money to a worthy charity on honor of Ask Zach

just a few questions i wanted to you just sit at home on your computer all DAY???? !!! IS THIS YOUR JOB?..Why dont you ever answer the quest

Here are a few answers for you. Yes this is my job. I work in an office. It is small crammed and cold, but it is all mine. I don't really get paid per say, I do get lots of stock though. (Who doesn't love stock?) I do not just sit at my computer all day, but many people think I do. I do answer the questions that is after all my job.

how is your day going?

So far it is going pretty well. I might not have won the lottery, but I don't have any complaints. It is a little cold and snowy out. It took awhile to get to the office, but I am finally here and ready to answer some questions.

How is your day?
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