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Monday, July 31, 2006

Who r u? (Who are you?)

I am Zach Cone. I am 23 (just had my birthday it is weird saying 23) and just recently graduated from Wheelock College. I will soon be a coprs member of City Year in Boston. I like taking photos, reading, writing, watching movies, and long strolls on (Nantasket) beach. If you are still interested in the man behind ask Zach. You can go to my website and blog that I am slowly getting updated.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Are you pregnant?

Every now and then on TV I see an AD for pregnancy tests It has a voice over that says something on the lines of “I have been so distracted lately, maybe I am pregnant.” Well if being distracted is a sign of pregnancy then it could be likely that I am except for the fact that I am male. Believe it or not it is possible although has yet to be proven (even if the National Enquire says otherwise) for a male to give birth. There have been cases where an embryo has somehow ended up in a woman’s abdomen ad have been born healthy. So if a fertilized egg were placed in a male abdomen it may just be possible. Still one would defiantly now if he was pregnant unless he was drugged before the implant. As for right now it is a safe bet to say I am not pregnant, but thanks for asking. While we are this topic I should mention that it is also true men can breast feed. Oh Dip!!!

Monday, July 24, 2006

why not pure css?

I had to ask the webmaster this question. CSS or complicated site setup is a way of formatting a website. To build a website one hires a geek to make it. That geek uses code to create a website. html is the staple of websites, but CSS is used along with it to change the way a site looks. My webmaster Ned Shneebly is like me, lazy. He copied the code from the old Ask Zach website and used some CSS to make it look the way it does. So the real reason not all CSS is laziness.

How many left wing wackos does it take to screw a light bulb?

This question is obviously from some republican who is trying to make fun of my political views. I am going to have to say the answer is none. Confused? Well if the ‘crazy liberal’ is trying to help save the environment by using a combination of solar lighting and LEDs that person my never have to change a light bulb and at the same time waste far less electricity than his or her neighbor who has a Volvo for each member of their family.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Where did you get that suit?

A little while back I did not have any money and therefore did not have a suit. I then got one at Urban Renewals, but alas you get what you ay for and even though it was $5 and looked pretty good, it was too big to wear. Once again suitless it was time to try and go the do it yourself route. So, with the help of a friend, I made on out of duct tape. It was nice and very stain resistant. The only problem was it was hot. Luckily my friend Jeeves gave me his suit. After being forced into retirement early he no longer needed it and gave it to me.

Monday, July 17, 2006

How long is a Chinese man?

Nice try I am not falling for this bad 'joke'

I am only even posting this mildly raciest “question” because my site seems to be blocked by the Chinese Government.

What readers?

Hello, anyone out there? It is true right now Ask Zach is still in Beta testing so there are not many readers, but hopes are high that the site might get a total of ten readers someday. If a website devoted to the dancing of a rodent could make it why not Ask Zach. (but then again you can’t annoy the BHS librarians with Ask Zach). You can't take the dream away from me. Never!

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